Sunday, May 28, 2006

I'd Die For You

Struggle for No gain
A heavy price paid
Unworthy System
Lost in the haze

Blinded by hypocrisy
Bounded by insanity
Sorrow unearthed
Democracy Unveiled

Part of this soulful system
Courrupt, Wild, Dreamy
Walk down the pathway
Knowing true beings

We the people
Walk the causeway of tricks
Screamin out loud
I'd die for you

Left Uncared by
Claims of Equality
Definite Defeat
Simple dreams

This boy who knelt
At the alter of the system
Begging for his right
Died hungry in the fight

Trust drained
Offering nothingness
Still in hope to get
Equality deserved

This song talks about how people need to beg the very system they elected to fulfil their little needs. The songs talks about the Man who dies in the hunger strike, which he was involved in, which was a protest asking for something as deserving as "Right To Equality". Is talks about how these three words lose their meaning, by the rules imposed by the very system which claims its existance.